A bit after the Columbus Took A Chance poem, I was feeling a little more than just mushy feelings, so.....I wanted to write and B said, "Write about what you want." And this is what came to be:
A Thousand Nights
We lay in bed the
morning after a night
of heavy drinking
he tells me he was
thinking 'stuff'
about me last night
"What kind of
stuff?" I ask
stuff." he replies.
I don't want to pry
A drunken memory of
the night before
plays behind my eyes
of him holding my face
in both hands
and saying
"Do you have any
idea how much you mean to me?"
Which I reply with a
shake of the head...no
and a kiss
abyss deep
I lock eyes with him
and can't help but
wonder if he remembers
such shared moments
in the dark
at 2 a.m
the night before
As I write this
I can't help but think
'Part of me is made of
and here I am,
breaking before him
"Tell me what you
want...." He says to me
from across the dinner
I get lost in his
eyes, that dark honey brown
and his crooked smile
"I don't really
know" I say
That was then
today I know
I know I want him to
hold my hand as we walk
and I want a thousand
nights of him
holding me tight and
asking if I know how much
I mean to him.
A week ago I wanted
but it's my passion,
you see
and the experience
they can give me
good or bad
I want his place in my
heart to be a
patchwork of sex and
crooked smiles
hand holding and
drunken nights
and emo songs playing
in the background
on youtube while his
eyebrow arches
and he says,
"Want to go into the bedroom?"
A thousand nights that end that way
wouldn't be enough.
"Tell me what you
want...." He whispers in my ear
while I lay naked and
breathless beneath him
I can't bring myself
to say the words
spinning through my
mind, though my body
is aching for his
I want his hands
tugging at my hair
his nails tearing at
my flesh
his lips on my thighs
and his fingers around
my throat
as I gasp for air
My orgasm pulsing just
below the surface
waiting to shoot
through my fingertips
my nails tearing at
the sheets
and my eyes locking
with his
as he gives me that
crooked smile
and yes
A thousand nights that
end that way
wouldn't be enough
*~*~*Slutty Heart*~*~*
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